So, due to a particularly bad storm a while back my wifi has been down for over two weeks, which is a massive pain in the arse. No downloaded T.V shows, no Skype, no email = No life.
Anyway the coffee experiment has been going well, after nearly three weeks I've lost three kilos, which is about half a stone. Also due to the heat and humidity I haven't done any exercise or physical training, mostly just lazing around the house reading (no bloody internet).
My first impressions with the coffee were good, it tastes like a fairly nice, strong coffee. There is also a bit of sweetener added which is fine by me as I prefer my coffee with sugar.
After about ten minutes you can really feel the kick from it, I'm not sure if it's the caffeine or one of the "natural" ingredients giving the buzz, but something is definitely raising my heart rate.
After a cup in the morning I don't eat anything and stay hunger free until lunchtime, in fact even then you can just have another sachet and feel full until dinner time.
The product claims to have "fat burning" properties but I'm not quite sold on this, I think most of my weight loss has been due to the loss of appetite I experienced. Over the past three weeks I have definitely eaten less, usually skipping at least one meal a day which would explain the loss. I'm don't think this particularly good for me, and sometimes I feel a bit run-down and lacking energy, but a quick slurp of my power coffee soon puts some gas in the tank.
One problem I have found is drinking it in the evening does affect my sleep, maybe it's just the caffeine or one of the other "herbal" ingredients, but I would recommend not drinking it after four or five pm. I will have another update in a week or two and by then I should have reached my target. I don't think I'll keep using it long term, but as a quick weight loss product so far it's been a success.
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